fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_53.lib' - file ignored, no matter what i link

Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica picture Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica · Mar 14, 2013 · Viewed 17.4k times · Source

I have just bjamed boost and it seems like its still gonna refuse to work (I alread have tried and given up to make this library). What I did was, that I launched bjam.exe and I linked:

include directories: C:\ ... \boost_1_53_0
Library directories: C:\ ... \boost_1_53_0\bin.v2\libs

But I still get the error. So I decided to look in the folders, and this showed up to be path to the desired library:

C:\ ... \boost_1_53_0\bin.v2\libs\date_time\build\msvc-10.0\debug\link-static\threading-multi\

If I explicitly add this folder to the Library directories, the library is found but in VCC another error pops up, asking me for another library.
So how do I ask bjam to make a folder system that VCC can understand?


David B picture David B · Jun 10, 2013

Adding the C:...\boost_1_55_0\stage\lib directory worked for me. Added to:

Project properties -> Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories.