I installed Visual Studio 2010 Premium on my Windows 7 workstation. After loading a test C++ project, I noticed that it could not locate iostream. I took a look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include and noticed that only two files exist here, srv.h and wmiatlprov.h
I installed the VS2010 product on a test virtual machine, and this directory (...\VC\include) is filled with the usual collection of folders and headers (the materials you'd expect to find in the includes directory.)
I have taken the following steps to rectify the missing headers on the problem workstation:
I also completed the above steps, but used a different edition for the reinstall, VS2010 Professional.
So far, nothing above has been able to produce an installed Visual Studio 2010 product with all of the C++ headers installed on my workstation.
The solution to this problem is as follows. It is based on the solution given in
This solution may not be minimal, but it works for me. Hopefully others can confirm. The important difference here is that it is not just the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from which the registry path must be deleted, as indicated in the link above.