unresolved external symbol error when importing libraries for OpenCV2.3 in Visual Studios 2010 Express C++

Kevin Jonaitis picture Kevin Jonaitis · May 6, 2012 · Viewed 31.7k times · Source

first time posting a question here to stackoverflow. Sorry if I butcher the formatting!

I am attempting to follow a basic tutorial on openCV, namely this one: http://aishack.in/tutorials/tracking-colored-objects-in-opencv/

I have looked at various tutorial online on how to install openCV, including:

Setup OpenCV-2.3 for Visual Studio 2010 and opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/VisualC%2B%2B

without much luck.

The current version I have running right now is OpenCV 2.3.0. I am currently running on Windows 7 with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010.

Whenever I try to build and run my code, I get the following errors:

1>------ Build started: Project: Camera, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvReleaseImage referenced in function "struct _IplImage * __cdecl GetThresholdedImage(struct _IplImage *)" (?GetThresholdedImage@@YAPAU_IplImage@@PAU1@@Z)
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvInRangeS referenced in function "struct _IplImage * __cdecl GetThresholdedImage(struct _IplImage *)" (?GetThresholdedImage@@YAPAU_IplImage@@PAU1@@Z)
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvCvtColor referenced in function "struct _IplImage * __cdecl GetThresholdedImage(struct _IplImage *)" (?GetThresholdedImage@@YAPAU_IplImage@@PAU1@@Z)
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvCreateImage referenced in function "struct _IplImage * __cdecl GetThresholdedImage(struct _IplImage *)" (?GetThresholdedImage@@YAPAU_IplImage@@PAU1@@Z)
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvGetSize referenced in function "struct _IplImage * __cdecl GetThresholdedImage(struct _IplImage *)" (?GetThresholdedImage@@YAPAU_IplImage@@PAU1@@Z)
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvReleaseCapture referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvWaitKey referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvShowImage referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvAdd referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvLine referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvGetCentralMoment referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvGetSpatialMoment referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvMoments referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvQueryFrame referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvNamedWindow referenced in function _main
1>camera.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvCreateCameraCapture referenced in function _main
1>C:\Users\Kevin\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Camera\Debug\Camera.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 16 unresolved externals
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

My code is as follows:

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

IplImage* GetThresholdedImage(IplImage* img)
IplImage* imgHSV = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), 8, 3);
cvCvtColor(img, imgHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);
IplImage* imgThreshed = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), 8, 1);
cvInRangeS(imgHSV, cvScalar(20, 100, 100), cvScalar(30, 255, 255), imgThreshed);
return imgThreshed;

int main()
CvCapture* capture = 0;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(1);
    printf("Could not initialize capturing...\n");
    return -1;

IplImage* imgScribble = NULL;

    IplImage* frame = 0;
    frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);

    //cvErode(frame, frame, 0, 2); // ADD this line
    //initalize the scribble frame if has not already been done yet
    if(imgScribble == NULL)
        imgScribble = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3);
    IplImage* imgYellowThresh = GetThresholdedImage(frame);

    CvMoments *moments = (CvMoments*)malloc(sizeof(CvMoments));
    cvMoments(imgYellowThresh, moments, 1);

    // The actual moment values
    double moment10 = cvGetSpatialMoment(moments, 1, 0);
    double moment01 = cvGetSpatialMoment(moments, 0, 1);
    double area = cvGetCentralMoment(moments, 0, 0);

    // Holding the last and current ball positions
    static int posX = 0;
    static int posY = 0;

    int lastX = posX;
    int lastY = posY;

    posX = moment10/area;
    posY = moment01/area;

    printf("position (%d,%d)\n", posX, posY);

    // We want to draw a line only if its a valid position
    if(lastX>0 && lastY>0 && posX>0 && posY>0)
        // Draw a yellow line from the previous point to the current point
        cvLine(imgScribble, cvPoint(posX, posY), cvPoint(lastX, lastY), cvScalar(0,255,255), 5);

    cvAdd(frame, imgScribble, frame);
    cvShowImage("thresh", imgYellowThresh);
    cvShowImage("video", frame);

    int c = cvWaitKey(5);
        if((char)c==27 )

    // Release the thresholded image+moments... we need no memory leaks.. please

    delete moments;
// We're done using the camera. Other applications can now use it
return 0;


I have installed Open CV to C:\OpenCV2.3

I have added additional dependencies, additional directories, ect. For the preferences for my project, they are as follows:

Additional Dependencies:

enter code here

Aditional Library Directories: C:\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib;C:\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\bin;C:\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\staticlib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)

Additional Include Directories:


I also included a path to the DLL's on my path variable for windows:


I've looked at other forums, other stack overflow questions, ect without much help. I have been trying to get this to work for the better part of a weekend. Any help would be much appreciated!


Oleh Olkhovskyy picture Oleh Olkhovskyy · Jan 15, 2013

If you DID explicitly set up linking with all the necessary libraries, but linking errors still show, you might be mixing up 64/32 bit libraries and application.

I.e. make sure that all library includes point to 32 bit version of libraries if you are building 32 bit application.