Top "Visual-studio-2008" questions

This tag refers to the Visual Studio line of software development products from Microsoft, the 2008 version.

"the outputpath property is not set for this project" error

I have a multi project solution in Visual Studio 2008. I just added a new Configuration called Release-VersionIncrement to the solution, …

visual-studio-2008 msbuild buildconfiguration
How can I automate the "generate scripts" task in SQL Server Management Studio 2008?

I'd like to automate the script generation in SQL Server Management Studio 2008. Right now what I do is : Right click …

sql-server visual-studio-2008 automation ssms sql-server-2008
Metadata file ... could not be found error when building projects

Every time I start Visual Studio 2008, the first time I try to run the project I get the error CS0006 …

Localization of DisplayNameAttribute

I am looking for a way to localize properties names displayed in a PropertyGrid. The property's name may be "overriden" …

c# visual-studio-2008 localization attributes
Windows Service not appearing in services list after install

I've created a windows service in C#, using Visual Studio 2008 I pretty much followed this:…

c# visual-studio-2008 windows-services setup-deployment
Difference between Rebuild and Clean + Build in Visual Studio

What is the difference between just a Rebuild and doing a Clean + Build in Visual Studio 2008? Is Clean + Build different …

visual-studio visual-studio-2008 build rebuild
C# - Selectively suppress custom Obsolete warnings

I'm using the Obsolete attribute (as just suggested by fellow programmers) to show a warning if a certain method is …

c# visual-studio-2008
Entity Framework error - Error 11009: Property ' ' is not mapped

To improve an older project I am forced by the circumstances to use VS 2008 and Framework 3.5 - I have issues …

c# entity-framework visual-studio-2008 mapping
How do I enable file editing in Visual Studio's debug mode?

Is there a way to enable file editing while debugging in Visual Studio? I have unchecked the "Require the source …

visual-studio visual-studio-2008