I created a configuration named Test via Visual Studio which currently just takes all of DEBUG settings, however I employ compiler conditions to determine some specific actions if the build happens to be TEST|DEBUG|RELEASE.
However how can I get my MSBUILD script to detect the TEST configuration??
Currently I build
<MSBuild Projects="@(SolutionsToBuild)" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration);OutDir=$(BuildDir)\Builds\" />
Where @(SolutionsToBuild) is a my solution. In the Common MsBuild Project Properties it states that $(Configuration) is a common property but it always appears blank?
Does this mean that it never gets set but is simply reserved for my use or that it can ONLY detect DEBUG|RELEASE. If so what is the point in allowing the creation of different build configurations?
I haven't done much with defining an MSBUILD configuration file but I have done builds of different configurations using a batch file like this
msbuild /v:n /p:Configuration=Release "Capture.sln"
msbuild /v:n /p:Configuration=ReleaseNoUploads "Capture.sln"
I defined the ReleaseNoUploads configuration inside Visual Studio.
Here's what I had to do for that (this is Visual Studio 2005):