Top "Visible" questions

Opposite of [tag::hidden] or [tag::invisible] depending upon context.

Best way to check if UITableViewCell is completely visible

I have a UITableView with cells of different heights and I need to know when they are completely visible or …

ios uitableview visible
Selenium C# Webdriver How to detect if element is visible

Is there a way in the latest version of Selenium DotNet Webdriver (2.22.0) to check to see if an element is …

selenium webdriver visibility visible
Scroll if element is not visible

how to determine, using jquery, if the element is visible on the current page view. I'd like to add a …

javascript jquery scroll viewport visible
How can you tell if a View is visible on screen in Android?

I want to check if a View within a ScrollView is currently visible in Android. I am not checking if …

android android-view android-scrollview visible
this.Visible is not working in Windows Forms

I have a problem. I need to hide my window at window load. But private void Form1_Load(object sender, …

c# winforms visible
jQuery - remove background-color when an element is visible

I would like to remove the background-color (only the background-color) of the menu once another element is visible. I wrote …

jquery background-color visible
How can I hide a div using visible property even it has a background

I have the following div: <div visible="false" style="background-image:url('../Contents/Images/item-background-selected.png'); width:113px; height:58… html visible
Excel VBA ActiveWindow.Visible hiding the wrong workbook

I want to open a workbook (WB1) and then as it's opened, another workbook (WB2) is opened. I want WB2 …

excel vba visible active-window
Android: Getting a count of the visible children in a listview

Is there are way to get a count of the number of visible listview children? I have a listview with …

android listview count visible
Can I hide an image button on a layout, (dimensions and background) until a call to set visible?

I have a hidden image button in one of my xmls layouts, with a background set to a drawable image. …

android layout imagebutton dimensions visible