Top "Virtualenvwrapper" questions

virtualenvwrapper is a set of extensions to Ian Bicking’s virtualenv tool.

mkvirtualenv: Too many levels of symbolic links

I am running virtualenv burrito and getting an error that there are too many levels of symbolic links. I have …

virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
How to activate virtual environment from Windows 10 command prompt?

I'm trying to create and activate a virtual environment, using Windows 10 command prompt. I know that virtualenv is installed correctly, …

python virtualenv virtualenvwrapper virtual-environment
Terminal issue with virtualenvwrapper after Mavericks Upgrade

After upgrading to OSX Mavericks, I am getting this message in the terminal: /usr/bin/python: No module named virtualenvwrapper …

python terminal virtualenvwrapper osx-mavericks
Virtualenv specific pip config files

I need to use different pip config files depending on which project I'm currently working on. Each project pulls from …

python pip virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Installing virtualenvwrapper on Windows

I've installed virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper on Windows using easy_install. But mkvirtualenv is missing. I tried to search on my …

python windows virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
How to use virtualenvwrapper in Supervisor?

When I was developing and testing my project, I used to use virtualenvwrapper to manage the environment and run it: …

python deployment virtualenv supervisord virtualenvwrapper
'Permission denied' error when using pip install in virtualenv

Edit: FIXED! Just had to chown the .cache directory I've tried the virtualenvwrapper docs instructions, I've tried this guy's instructions …

python virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
virtualenvwrapper functions unavailable in shell scripts

So, once again, I make a nice python program which makes my life ever the more easier and saves a …

python bash virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Create a virtualenv with both python2 and python3

I tried to use virtualenvwrapper to create a virtualenv with both python2 and python3 Per virtualenv with python2 and python3 …

python python-3.x virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
-bash: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory

I can't figure out where the shell is trying to run /usr/bin/ upon server login. I want …

linux bash shell python-3.x virtualenvwrapper