Top "Virtualenv" questions

virtualenv is a tool that creates sandboxed Python environments.

PIP: Installing only the dependencies

I have a script that creates a virtualenv, installs distribute and pip in it and then optionally clones a git …

python pip virtualenv distribute
uWSGI Fails with No module named encoding Error

I am trying to setup uWSGI with Pyramid, but I am getting this error, when attempting uwsgi --ini-paste development.ini …

virtualenv pyramid uwsgi
How can I create the minimum size executable with pyinstaller?

I am on Windows 10, I have anaconda installed but I want to create an executable independently in a new, clean …

python pandas anaconda virtualenv pyinstaller
gcc error trying to install PIL in a Python2.6 virtualenv

I have created a virtualenv with the --no-site-packages option. I get an error trying to install PIL:…

python gcc python-imaging-library virtualenv
pyenv: pip: command not found

I'm trying to get Python 2.7 to play nicely with pyenv and virtualenv on OSX El Capitan. I've installed pyenv with …

python macos virtualenv pyenv
How to reset virtualenv and pip?

I installed virtualenv on my Ubuntu 10.04 server. Now when I do pip freeze it shows me the following packages: Django==1.2.4 …

python django virtualenv ubuntu-10.04 pip
How to install PyQt5 on a new virtualenv and work on an IDLE

I installed PyQt5 globally on my win7 system (python 3.3), using the installer provided from the official riverbank website. Then i …

python pyqt virtualenv pip pyqt5
pip install using proxy in a virtual environment

I work on a Ubuntu VM in my company's laptop which uses proxy server for connecting to internet. After some …

python ubuntu pip virtualenv proxy-server
How to change the python version of already existing virtualenv?

I have created a virtual environment using python 3.6, then I've made a system upgrade and I've got python 3.7 installed system …

virtualenv python-3.6 python-3.7 manjaro
What's the difference between Docker and Python virtualenv?

From what I understand about Docker, it's a tool used for virtual environments. In their lingo, its called "containerization". This …

python docker virtualenv