Top "Virtual-machine" questions

A virtual-machine is software emulating complete computer hardware.

Can I run Docker in a Virtual Machine?

I tried to run Docker on a virtual machine. Host : MacBook VM : Parallels Windows 7 And error occurs: Is it possible?

docker virtual-machine parallels
Cannot start docker after installation on Windows

I am a new to Docker. After the installation of Docker Toolbox (OS: Windows 10) I run Docker Quickstart Terminal and …

windows docker virtual-machine
What is the difference between Full, Para and Hardware assisted virtualization?

I am going through the topic of virtualization, it seems a bit silly to ask this question but i am …

operating-system virtual-machine vmware virtualization
How to get the ssh keys for a new Google Compute Engine instance?

I'm a new Google Cloud trial user coming from the Amazon EC2 world and I'm totally baffled as to how …

ssh virtual-machine google-compute-engine ssh-keys
How to set mongod.conf bind_ip with multiple ip address

I am a newbie for setting up the server environment and mongoDB. This may sounds something really simple, however, I …

mongodb virtual-machine remote-access
Running OS X in Virtual PC in a Windows 7 machine?

Just wondering, has anyone tried to run OS X in a VM environment running in Windows 7? What's the performance like? …

ios macos virtual-machine vhd
Unable to connect to Vagrant private network from host

I have a vagrant virtual box up and running. So far I have been unable to connect to the web …

networking virtual-machine virtualbox vagrant
How to connect to docker host from container on Windows 10 (Docker for Windows)

At which IP address can a docker container connect to its host on Docker for Windows (on Windows 10)? How do …

networking docker windows-10 virtual-machine hyper-v
What are the differences between QEMU and VirtualBox?

Recently, I found out that there is the QEMU project. I've used VirtualBox before, and I know about Xen and …

virtual-machine virtualbox qemu xen
Convert qcow2 to vmdk and make it ESXi 6.0 Compatible

I am currently working on VMWare virtualization; I am trying to make a converted image from qcow2 to vmdk work …

virtual-machine vmware virtualization esxi hypervisor