My usual Vim work flow is:
In insert mode, spell something wrong.
Press ^X s
to get some suggestions.
Press Esc to accept the first one.
After this, I'm in command mode in the middle of the line, instead of insert mode of where I was before. I could use A
, but that only works if I was typing on the end of the line. Is there an alternative way? Optimally, I'd like a command that corrects the last mistake to the first suggestion without moving the cursor.
An improvement to PDug's answer: To make the spelling correction undoable separately from the insertions, use this:
imap <c-l> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]a<c-g>u
inserts an undo-break
The rest is the same.
This way, if you don't like the chosen correction, you can undo it using <Esc>u
. Without the undo-breaks, this would undo the complete insertion. Note that the undo-break at the end of the mapping ensures that text added after the correction can be undone separately from the correction itself.
Also, I found it convenient to map this to CTRL+F (which is easy to reach) in both insert and normal mode like this:
imap <c-f> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]a<c-g>u
nmap <c-f> [s1z=<c-o>
This way, you can quickly fix the last error (relative to the cursor).