I know that % in vim will jump from one tag to another, I also know how to use visual mode to select entire blocks between tags in an xml file, using o to jump from the top to the bottom tags.
I've done multiple web searches and have the matchit plugin installed using the following lines in my .vimrc:
filetype plugin on
runtime macros/matchit.vim
I've found this post, and have tried closetag.vim.
I review huge xml files and even with multiple monitors (and glasses) would find it useful to be able to collapse certain sections of the file.
The indent method almost worked for me, but I found the way it worked to be a little bit strange; essentially, it folded on the content of the tags instead of the tags themselves. This worked for me, from the Vim wiki:
let g:xml_syntax_folding=1
au FileType xml setlocal foldmethod=syntax
This method folds on the actual tags themselves, for example:
<MyLines group="first">
<Foo value="1"/>
<Foo value="2"/>
<Foo value="3"/>
<MyLines group="second">
<Foo value="4"/>
<Foo value="5"/>
<Foo value="6"/>
Looks like this after typing zc
on line 1 or 5:
+-- 5 lines: <MyLines group="first">------------------------------------
<MyLines group="second">
<Foo value="4"/>
<Foo value="5"/>
<Foo value="6"/>
Instead of:
+-- 10 lines: <MyLines group="first">------------------------------------