How to paste over without overwriting register

Starr Horne picture Starr Horne · Nov 14, 2008 · Viewed 21.9k times · Source

Does anyone know of a way to paste over a visually selected area without having the selection placed in the default register?

I know I can solve the problem by always pasting from an explicit register. But it's a pain in the neck to type "xp instead of just p


Jeff Lake picture Jeff Lake · May 1, 2009

I don't like the default vim behavior of copying all text deleted with d, D, c, or C into the default register.

I've gotten around it by mapping d to "_d, c to "_c, and so on.

From my .vimrc:

"These are to cancel the default behavior of d, D, c, C
"  to put the text they delete in the default register.
"  Note that this means e.g. "ad won't copy the text into
"  register a anymore.  You have to explicitly yank it.
nnoremap d "_d
vnoremap d "_d
nnoremap D "_D
vnoremap D "_D
nnoremap c "_c
vnoremap c "_c
nnoremap C "_C
vnoremap C "_C