Speed up VIM cursor moving through j/k

Phương Nguyễn picture Phương Nguyễn · Apr 15, 2014 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

On my friend new Mac, he scrolls from line #1 to line #100 using k in around 4 seconds. On my Mac, it takes 10 seconds. Neither of us know what causes his MacVim scrolls that fast.

Any way that I can improve the speed of scrolling on my MacVim? I already enabled ttyfast and lazyredraw


Henry Heikkinen picture Henry Heikkinen · Apr 15, 2014

The problem might be the difference in your keyboard settings instead of Vim. Try changing the Key Repeat setting in OS X' keyboard settings and see what happens. On my MacBook this setting affects the cursor movement speed when holding h, j, k or l.

As mentioned in comments some software such as KeyRemap4Macbook can override the system settings.

Also consider using commands ^U, ^D and G instead of hjkl when navigating around longer files.

OS X keyboard settings