vim system register * and + not working

bvpx picture bvpx · Aug 22, 2013 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

:echo has('clipboard') returns 1, but whenever I execute "+yy" or "*yy" nothing seems to be in those registers. If I use regular yy to copy another line of text, then try to paste from the register using CONTROL+V nothing happens. If I try "+p vim pastes the line of text I copied using the regular yy command.

What's going on here? I'm on FreeBSD by the way.


blankblank picture blankblank · Jan 19, 2019

Your vim version may not be compiled with X11 clipboard integration.

In vim run the :version command and look for xterm_clipboard in the output. It will be prefixed with a + (supported) or - (unsupported) sign.