Is there vim plugin for notepad++?

fat picture fat · Oct 10, 2012 · Viewed 67.8k times · Source

There are a lot of questions and answers about vim and notepad++ but it's not definitely clear, what is best way to make notepad++ act like a vim (if it is possible at all).

It seems than this question needs some additional information of my motivation. I assume myself as a vim beginner. It's quite difficult for me to change my editor at one moment. I think than vim plugin for my current editor can give me easy way to feel more comfort in new environment.


visimulator picture visimulator · Nov 24, 2013

You can try ViSimulator for Notepad++, which may meet your requests in somewhat. it is a plug-in for notepad++, which make it possible to edit as vi/vim in notepad++. ViSimulator simulates/emulates most frequently-used vi/vim commands to provide more powerful editing capability for notepad++.

As the description from the site, some commands it supports:

0: move the cursor to colum 1 (hard beg-of-line)
$: move the cursor to end-of-line
^: move the cursor to the first non-blank character (soft beg-of-line)
-: move the cursor to the first non-blank character (soft beg-of-line) of the previous [count] line 
+, <RETURN>: move the cursor the first non-blank character (soft beg-of-line) of the next [count] line
hjkl: move the cursor left, down, up and right [count] colum/line
and more...

ViSimulator can be reached at The original page isn't available anymore.