Top "View" questions

This tag is for questions about database view or UI / architectural view.

Build an empty MVC DropdownListFor for a Cascade Sub-List

I would like to build an empty Dropdownlistfor to received the results of a previous Dropdownlisfor selection: The actual view: &… view html.dropdownlistfor
Django "The view didn't return an HttpResponse object."

I have a simple view in which I'm saving a form. The code seems 'clean', but I can't get rid …

django http view response
How to get view from drawer header layout with binding in activity?

So this is my activity_main.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout xmlns:android="…

android android-activity view binding drawer
React-Native : measure a View

I'm trying to measure a view using a ref, but the width returned is 0 despite the fact that I see …

view measure react-native
What is the difference between getWidth/Height() and getMeasuredWidth/Height() in Android SDK?

The Android Documentation says that there is two sizes for a view, the measured dimensions and the drawing dimensions. The …

android android-layout view size dimensions
When a Fragment is replaced and put in the back stack (or removed) does it stay in memory?

Is the behavior similar to the way Activities work? For example with Activities it works like this: Activity A starts …

android memory view android-activity android-fragments
How to get Activity reference in View class?

I created an custom view and there require Activity reference to perform some Handler related operation. I have idea about …

android android-activity view android-context
Create Materialized view which refresh records on daily

Currently the Materialized view which I had created using REFRESH ON DEMAND so in this case I need to refresh …

oracle view refresh materialized-views
How to use addView to add view to layout?

I have read probably all posts and documentation but I still can't solve this issue. I want to use addView() …

android layout view viewgroup adview
Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup

How do I set the maximum width of a ViewGroup? I am using a Theme.Dialog activity, however, this does …

android view width android-linearlayout