in the past I have downloaded Youtube's playlists with youtube-dl without any problem. However, now it downloads 0 videos. Could it have something to do with RIAA's DMCA takedown? Any suggestion or solution? The code I usually use is
youtube-dl -i -f mp4 --write-auto-sub --yes-playlist --output './%(title)s.%(ext)s' UUdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ
I have tried with the web URL or the playlist ID, both give me this result:
[youtube:playlist] UUdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ: Downloading webpage
[download] Downloading playlist: UUdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ
[youtube:playlist] playlist UUdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ: Downloading 0 videos
[download] Finished downloading playlist: UUdp4_l1vPmpN-gDbUwhaRUQ
Also, I have uninstalled/updated youtube-dl (just in case) without improve. Thank you in advance,
It is an issue with youtube-dl, however the youtube-dlc fork has already fixed it.
You can download directly from GitHub or else download it with pip:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade youtube-dlc
UPDATE: youtube-dl has been restored.