Converting wmv to mp4 using ffmpeg

user4515590 picture user4515590 · Apr 22, 2015 · Viewed 18.4k times · Source

I want convert wmv file to mp4 using ffmpeg. Video details 1920x1080, total bitrate 7978kbps, frame rate 29 fps. Image slideshow, no audio. It show audio data, but there was no option to disable audio when I created wmv.

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 output.mp4

Should I use command above or there is better settings to compress video without losing picture quality? (as it just static images, animation is only transitions effect between frames)


aergistal picture aergistal · Apr 22, 2015

To disable audio you must use -an.

-an (output) Disable audio recording.

Since you are targeting a specific bitrate you should look into Two-Pass encoding. You can find the FFmpeg H.264 Encoding Guide discussing Constant Rate Factor (CRF) vs Two-Pass ABR here.