200 stream not found netstream.play.streamnotfound clip

rmagnum2002 picture rmagnum2002 · Dec 1, 2011 · Viewed 26.6k times · Source

I got streaming error on this site

says something like

200 stream not found netstream.play.streamnotfound clip

I've been looking for this error for a week allready, the most common thing for this error is the mime type enabled on the server, the client support of railsplayground host told me that they have flv mime type enabled on the server.

Here is the answer I got from the sysadmin on my ticket about this problem:

The flv mime type is enabled on the server and I've installed the flv module for apache and ffmpeg. However it still throwing the "200 stream not found netstream.play.streamnotfound" error. Is there any module/software to be installed on the server to make it work so that we can install it for you. Regards,

Simon Rajan Level II System Administrator

the thing is I dont't really know if I need any other module/software for this to make it work. I have the same app on other host that's working just fine:


the same source code on both hosts.. why do I get this error?

btw, I use flowplayer if this will help somehow to get the sollution. Thanks.


user1152631 picture user1152631 · Feb 15, 2012

I just had the same issue with flowplayer - if you are using the Jomsocial module on Joomla for example, turn off the psuedo streaming option. See if your module set up has something similar