How to publish rtmp stream in Wowza?

why picture why · Jun 12, 2012 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

I want to publish one rtmp stream from rtmp:// and deliver the m3u8 stream to ios and android device.

I decide to use Wowza and have done some settings following by this article

There is:

Publishing the stream (RTMP based encoder)

Enter the Server URL and Stream Name information below and click the Publish or Start button on the encoder:

Server URL: rtmp://[wowza-address]/live
Stream Name: myStream

I want to know where need I input the server url and name ?


Emre Karataşoğlu picture Emre Karataşoğlu · Sep 27, 2012

I think that you can do it with two way . I understand that you wanna get a stream from anywhere else , and want to stream it over your wowza server , or wanna save the X stream and start re-streaming it over wowza .

First way , you can get the live stream via ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i rtmp://remoteXstreamFromAnyWhereElse/playlist/first -f flv

rtmp://yourWowzaIp:1935/live/now .

From now on you take the stream with ffmpeg and re stream it to wowza . And in live example you can reach your "now" stream well.

The other is again with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i rtmp://remoteZstream/StreamsName/fileName -vcodec copy -acodec copy 

-f new.avi

and the other cmd command is like that

ffmpeg -i video="new.avi" -r 30 -b:v 128k -f flv rtmp://wowzaIp/live/now2

The other way is [and the best way for me ]

Edit the xml StartupStream in C:\Program Files\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server 3.1.2\conf

Add the following line to the

<StartupStreams><StartupStream><Application>live/_definst_</Application<MediaCasterType>rtp</MediaCasterType><StreamName>rtsp://yourRemoteZReStreamingProviderServer/App/File<StreamName> </StartupStream>

Then restart the wowza server . You can see that in console the stream starts . The fastest way is to re stream that anystream . For further more information find rlanham in wowza .