Top "Vertical-alignment" questions

Typically a style or other UI definition associated with the placement of an interface item in the vertical plane.

trying to align html button at the center of the my page

I'm trying to align an HTML button exactly at the centre of the page irrespective of the browser used. It …

html css button alignment vertical-alignment
vertical align middle in <div>

I want to keep the height of #abc div at 50px and text to align vertically in the middle of …

css vertical-alignment
Vertical Text Direction

I have been trying text to go in a vertical direction like we can do in ms-word tables but so …

html css text vertical-alignment
Vertically align an image inside a div with responsive height

I have the following code which sets up a container which has a height that changes with the width when …

html css responsive-design vertical-alignment
CSS: How to align vertically a "label" and "input" inside a "div"?

Consider the following code: HTML: <div> <label for='name'>Name:</label> <input type=…

css html vertical-alignment
Align text to the bottom of a div

I tried to align my text to the bottom of a div from other posts and answers in Stack Overflow …

css html text vertical-alignment
How to vertically align into the center of the content of a div with defined width/height?

What would be the correct method to vertically center any content in a defined width/height div. In the example …

html css vertical-alignment
CSS vertical alignment text inside li

I am displaying number of boxes in a row with fix height and width, generated from <li> tags. …

html css vertical-alignment
Add centered text to the middle of a <hr/>-like line

I'm wondering what options one has in xhtml 1.0 strict to create a line on both sides of text like-so: Section …

html css xhtml line vertical-alignment
Why is vertical-align:text-top; not working in CSS

I want to align some text to the top of a div. It seems that vertical-align: text-top; should do the …

css vertical-alignment