Using Rational Team Concert or RTC: How to reverting back to a point in history?

madmaze picture madmaze · Jun 10, 2011 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

At my Work we use RTC for SCM.

This seems like a basic question for Source Control Management.
is there a way to roll back an entire workspace to a point in the past?

I have seen the history option under "team" but that seems to only be for one file.



Nick Edgar picture Nick Edgar · Jun 22, 2011

You can also replace a component from a baseline or component in another workspace/stream via the IDE:

  • in the Team Artifacts view or Pending Changes view, expand your workspace to show the components
  • select the component and choose Replace With > Baseline... or Component From Another Workspace or Stream...

If you want to replace multiple components at once, you can:

  • open the workspace editor (choose Open on the workspace)
  • in the Components section, click Add...
  • choose the source (baseline, workspace/stream, or snapshot) and which component(s)
  • when warned that the selected components are already in the workspace, click OK to replace
  • save

Or, if you don't have a baseline or other workspace/stream capturing the point in the past you want, you can:

  • select the component (in the TA or PC view)
  • choose Show > History (this shows the entire change history for the component, not just for a specific file)
  • select the recent change sets that you don't want
  • choose Discard...