<Requirement Description="description" Operation="Configure">
<Action ID="1000" Name="Split">
<Parameter Name="Version">4</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="DefaultServer">192.168.00.</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="DefaultUser">administrator</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="DefaultPassword">password</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="DefaultDomain"></Parameter>
<Parameter Name="Split">1</Parameter>
From the above XML document my aim is to replace the IP address for both the attributes default server and default domain from a VBScript.
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False
Set NodeList = objXMLDoc.documentElement.SelectNodes("//Parameter")
Give name as Parameter and NodeList(i).Text
gives me values like 4, IP address, administrator and others. But I am not able to get the attribute name so that I can directly change the value of the attribute.
To answer your question, you can use the getAttribute
function to access an attribute's value:
You can also add a predicate to the XPath expression in your SelectNodes
call to retrieve only the desired elements:
Set NodeList = objXMLDoc.documentElement.SelectNodes("//Parameter[@Name = 'DefaultServer' or @Name = 'DefaultDomain']")
This way, you don't have to retrieve and loop through the Parameter nodes that you're not interested in.