I am pretty new in VBA and I have not yet got used to the syntax completely, so I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid.
I am working with RequisitePro40 and VBA 7.0 in Word 2010. In one of my modules I have the following loop and If conditions:
Dim rqRequirements As ReqPro40.Requirements
Dim rqRequirement As ReqPro40.Requirement
Const eAttrValueLookup_Label = 4
Dim a As Integer
For Each vReqKey In rqRequirements
Set rqRequirement = rqRequirements(vReqKey)
If rqRequirement.AttrValue("MyAttreName", eAttrValueLookup_Label).text <> Null Then
a = 1
End If
If rqRequirement.AttrValue("MyAttreName", eAttrValueLookup_Label).text = Null Then
a = 2
End If
In each iteration of the loop, both a = 1 and a = 2 are executed!!
Based on This, the equality and inequality operators are "=" and "<>". Therefore I would expect that either a = 1 or a = 2 execute for a string. Is there something wrong with my syntax? Or is it a ReqPro related Problem?
I also tried using "Is" and "IsNot" operators but they result in Compiler error: Type mismatch
Can Someone help me with this?
Update: The actual goal is to see if the
rqRequirement.AttrValue("MyAttreName", eAttrValueLookup_Label).text
is Null or not. I added the second if to show the problem that the statement is somehow not working the way I expect it to work.
Replacing "Null" to "vbNullString" did not make any changes.
I also tried the IsNull function as @Slai suggested. the result is pretty much the same:
If IsNull(rqRequirement.AttrValue(att, eAttrValueLookup_Label).text) Then
a = 3
End If
If Not IsNull(rqRequirement.AttrValue(att, eAttrValueLookup_Label).text) Then
a = 4
End If
Both statements a = 3 and a = 4 are true and executed.
VBA doesn't support testing whether a string is "Null". VBA isn't like a .NET language or JavaScript (for example). The basic variable types all have a default value, a String is of zero length (""
) from the moment the variable is declared - it has no uninstantiated state. You can also test for vbNullString.
If you test
Dim s as String
Debug.Print s = Null, s <> Null, s = "", s = "a", IsNull(s), s = vbNullString
The return is
Null Null True False False True
So if you're trying to test whether anything has been assigned to a String variable the only things you can do are:
Debug.Print Len(s), s = "", Len(s) = 0, s = vbNullString
Which returns
0 True True True
Note that the slowest of these possibilities is s = ""
, even though it seems the simplest to remember.