I have this little function that achieves the creation of an email via VBA,
It gets the data from another function that works together with an Excel file.
The problem I have is that I made all this thru Excel 2016, and when some of my colleagues try to use it there an error of missing references (Outlook Library 16.0).
So I looked in the internet solutions and the ones I found are many, but the better is Late Binding. I have read all about it but I don't seem to really understand what's going on and how to make it work in the following code.
Sub EscalateCase(what_address As String, subject_line As String, email_body As String)
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
olMail.To = what_address
olMail.Subject = subject_line
olMail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
olMail.HTMLBody = email_body
End Sub
Therfore, maybe you can help me out with this example in order to see it this practical case of mine.
This is early binding:
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
And this is late binding:
Dim olApp As Object
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Late binding does not require a reference to Outlook Library 16.0 whereas early binding does. However, note that late binding is a bit slower and you won't get intellisense for that object.