I have an MS access database with 4 tables, 4 queries and 1 form.
Is there a way to restrict the users to see only the form when they open the access file. Something on the lines of a password protection to open the tables would also suffice.
Note: I am aware of the Hide Objects and Groups in MS access (https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Manage-database-objects-in-the-Navigation-Pane-04f0708d-c7c7-46bc-8c0a-670751f93d36) but I dont think there is a password protected feature to achieve this, any user who knows how to unhide will be able to view the tables and queries.
MS Access provides a couple of start up options. Including to hide and disable many of the features.
Also, you can define a form to open on start up of the file like this:
Access Options > Current Database > Display Form, select the form you want to show up on starting the file.
When scrolling down a little more, you could e.g. disable "Display Navigation Pane", to not show the left hand pane with forms, tables, queries, etc.
BTW, when holding the shift key on starting a file, all start options are disabled.
Check out this video where all the details are explained.