I'd like to define an array like:
sample_array = Array( _
"foo", _
"bar", _
"dog", _
"cat" _
...in a macro written in VB for Applications (PowerPoint 2010 in this case), but I need to define the array from a text file that would just be formatted like:
What is the simplest way to define a text file path and read the values (assume they are always regular ascii strings) directly into an array?
You could load the whole file in at once and split it by newlines as follows
Sub read_whole_file()
Dim sFile As String, sWhole As String
Dim v As Variant
sFile = "C:\mytxtfile.txt"
Open sFile For Input As #1
sWhole = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
Close #1
v = Split(sWhole, vbNewLine)
End Sub