VB6 doesn't appear to make it that easy to store +infinity, -infinity and NaN into double vars. It would help if it could so that I could do comparisons with those values in the context of complex numbers. How?
Actually, there is a MUCH simpler way to get Infinity, -Infinity and Not a Number:
public lfNaN as Double ' or As Single
public lfPosInf as Double
public lfNegInf as Double
on error resume next ' to ignore Run-time error '6': Overflow and '11': Division by zero
lfNaN = 0 / 0 ' -1.#IND
lfPosInf = 1 / 0 ' 1.#INF
lfNegInf = -1 / 0 ' -1.#INF
on error goto 0 ' optional to reset the error handler