Converting Numbers to Excel Letter Column

bill picture bill · Aug 12, 2015 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I am trying to write data to excel files using So I my function which converts number column into excel letter columns.

Public Function ConvertToLetter(ByRef iCol As Integer) As String

    Dim Reminder_Part As Integer = iCol Mod 26
    Dim Integer_Part As Integer = Int(iCol / 26)

    If Integer_Part = 0 Then
        ConvertToLetter = Chr(Reminder_Part + 64)
    ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And Reminder_Part <> 0 Then
        ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part + 64) + Chr(Reminder_Part + 64)
    ElseIf Integer_Part > 0 And Reminder_Part = 0 Then
        ConvertToLetter = Chr(Integer_Part * 26 + 64)
    End If

End Function

The Function works ok with any other numbers.

For example,

  • 1 => A
  • 2 => B
  • ...
  • 26 => Z
  • 27 => AA
  • ...
  • 51 => AY
  • 52 => t (And here is when it start to went wrong) It is suppose to return AZ, but it returned t.

I couldn't figure out what part I made a mistake. Can someone help me or show me how to code a proper function of converting numbers to excel letter columns using


Garrann picture Garrann · Aug 12, 2015

This should do what you want.

Private Function GetExcelColumnName(columnNumber As Integer) As String
    Dim dividend As Integer = columnNumber
    Dim columnName As String = String.Empty
    Dim modulo As Integer

    While dividend > 0
       modulo = (dividend - 1) Mod 26
       columnName = Convert.ToChar(65 + modulo).ToString() & columnName
       dividend = CInt((dividend - modulo) / 26)
   End While

   Return columnName
End Function