Facebook Redirect url to "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/read" with no access token

user1523291 picture user1523291 · Jun 21, 2013 · Viewed 38.4k times · Source

I have set a web browser control in winform and navigate to the following url-


It show the login dialog box. After enter username and password facebook redirect to following url-


and display a message with two button called "okay" & "cancel"

xyourappxxxx would like to access your public profile, friend list and status updates.

if i click on "Okay" button this will redirect to following page with the msg of--


message---Success SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.

application type: Native/desktop

App secret in client: no

Client OAuth Login: enbl

Embedded browser OAuth Login: enbl

Sandbox mod: ON

Problem is after authorization facebook not redirect to my redirect_uri and not getting any access token.

I am using vb.net 2008 express



Eddie picture Eddie · Oct 19, 2013

I might be mis-understanding your question/issue, apologies if so..
in your first line.. you have the redirect_uri set to just go back to facebook, whereas it's supposed to be the URI of the page on your site that you want facebook to send the user to after they authenticate and approve your app, no?

in other words shouldnt your first line be:


after the user clicks "okay" on the popup, it will then redirect them to YOURPAGE.ASPX on your site, passing the access_token