I'm trying to get the ip address of my local PC, and one one of my other PCs it gets the v4 address fine, but on this one the code:
returns what I guess is a IPv6 address:
How do I get the IPv4 address?
Disclaimer- I don't have IPv6 installed and there is probably a much better way to do this, but what does the following return:
.Where(a => !a.IsIPv6LinkLocal && !a.IsIPv6Multicast && !a.IsIPv6SiteLocal)
Edit - didn't notice you were asking in VB, so I've tried translating it to:
Dim s As String = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList _
.Where(Function(a As IPAddress) Not a.IsIPv6LinkLocal AndAlso Not a.IsIPv6Multicast AndAlso Not a.IsIPv6SiteLocal) _
.First() _
This may blow up, so don't treat it as production code.