Top "Variadic-templates" questions

Variadic templates are templates that take a variable number of parameters.

Understanding the overhead of lambda functions in C++11

This was already touched in Why C++ lambda is slower than ordinary function when called multiple times? and C++0x …

c++ performance lambda variadic-templates
generic member function pointer as a template parameter

Consider this code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class hello{ public: void f(){ cout<<"f"<&…

c++ c++11 function-pointers variadic-templates
Writing variadic template constructor

Recently I asked this question but now I would like to expand it. I wrote the following class: template <…

c++ c++11 variadic-templates
Pretty-print std::tuple

This is a follow-up to my previous question on pretty-printing STL containers, for which we managed to develop a very …

c++ c++11 tuples variadic-templates
C2977: 'std::tuple' : too many template arguments (MSVC11)

I'm trying to build googletest with Visual C++ 11, but following code causes an error template <typename T1, typename T2, …

c++ visual-studio-2012 c++11 tuples variadic-templates
C++11: I can go from multiple args to tuple, but can I go from tuple to multiple args?

Possible Duplicate: How do I expand a tuple into variadic template function's arguments? “unpacking” a tuple to call a matching …

c++ templates c++11 variadic-templates
template parameter packs access Nth type and Nth element

The following paper is the first proposal I found for template parameter packs.…

c++ c++11 variadic-templates
Is it possible to "store" a template parameter pack without expanding it?

I was experimenting with C++0x variadic templates when I stumbled upon this issue: template < typename ...Args > struct …

c++ templates c++11 variadic-templates
C++11 variadic std::function parameter

A function named test takes std::function<> as its parameter. template<typename R, typename ...A> void …

c++ c++11 templates variadic-templates std-function
recursive variadic template to print out the contents of a parameter pack

How is it possible to create a recursive variadic template to print out the contents of a paramater pack? I …

recursion c++11 variadic-templates typeid