Top "Varbinary" questions

varbinary is the SQL Server datatype used to hold variable-length binary data

Streaming VARBINARY data from SQL Server in C#

I'm trying to serve image data stored in a VARBINARY(MAX) field in the database using ASP.Net. Right now, …

c# sql stream varbinary
why is CONVERT string to VARBINARY in SQL Server only converting first character?

I am using NLog to log in my application and as part of that we are logging the customer number, …

sql nlog varchar varbinary
SQL Server 2005/2008: Insert a File in an varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL

Is it possible to insert a file in a varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL? If yes, I would be very …

sql-server sql-server-2005 insert blob varbinary
SQL Server 2008 convert varchar to varbinary

I try to import image data into a sql server 2008 db with code like this: INSERT INTO [TAB] (ID_PHOTO,…

sql-server type-conversion varbinary
What is the advantage of using varbinary over varchar here?

A while ago I asked a question about hierarchy/version number sorting in SQL Server. ( How Can I Sort A …

sql sql-server varchar varbinary
Is there a big technical difference between VARBINARY(MAX) and IMAGE data types?

I was reading on internet these statements about SQL Server data types: VARBINARY(MAX) - Binary strings with a variable …

image sql-server-2008 varbinary
What does VARBINARY(MAX) mean?

I'm trying to port a MSSQL database over to MariaDB and I've encountered a table creation using varbinary(max): `definition` …

sql mariadb varbinary varbinarymax
Retrieve varbinary value as BASE64 in MSSQL

I'm looking for a way for retrieving Entity Data Model (EDM) from __MigrationHistory table using only T-SQL (so anyone, using …

sql-server entity-framework base64 edmx varbinary
SQL Server Varchar to VarBinary Conversion

I have to insert the string "johnmelling" value into a table which has the column as [USERPASS] varbinary NOT NULL. …

varchar sql-insert varbinary
How to improve performance in SQL Server table with image fields?

I'm having a very particular performance problem at work! In the system we're using there's a table that holds information …

sql-server varbinary imagefield