I have webforms in my drupal 7 website. What I want is to validate my webform fields. The webform contains a phone field which should accept numeric field and should contain 10 numbers only. Is there any module for this or will I have to code for this.
Use hook_form_alter()
to apply custom validation in drupal
create module e.g. mymodule
file mymodule.module
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
print $form_id;
if($form_id=='webform_client_form_1') //Change webform id according to you webformid
return $form;
function mymodule_form_validate($form,&$form_state)
//where "phone" is field name of webform phone field
$phoneval = $form_state['values']['submitted']['phone'];
form_set_error('phone','Please fill the form field');
// Then use regular expression to validate it.
// In above example i have check if phonefield is empty or not.
If you want to more to detail how to use hook_form_alter()
visit this link http://www.codeinsects.com/drupal-hook-system-part-2.html