Top "Vagrant" questions


Error "could not delete" with Composer on Vagrant

I have a Vagrant running Linux and I'm trying to install Symfony. After the command composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition ./ "2.5.*" I …

symfony vagrant
How do I package an existing VM that was not created using vagrant up command?

I installed a VirtualBox and then installed a Ubuntu 12.10 Server Base OS in it. I have installed all kinds of …

virtual-machine virtualbox packaging vagrant
How do I destroy a VM when I deleted the .vagrant file?

I deleted the directory that contained the .vagrant file. When I up a new VM it's complaining about ports being …

virtual-machine vagrant
How can I get Chef to run apt-get update before running other recipes

Right now I have the following in my Vagrantfile: config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef| chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks" …

apt apt-get chef-infra vagrant
What exactly do the Vagrant commands do?

There is surprisingly no documentation on what the Vagrant commands do, other than references throughout the "getting started" tutorial. What …

virtualbox vagrant
`ssh` executable not found in any directories in the %PATH%

ERROR: c:\Users\dhawal.vora>vagrant ssh `ssh` executable not found in any directories in the %PATH% variable. Is …

ssh virtual-machine vagrant vagrantfile
Vagrant box: can't login with password from VirtualBox GUI

I am learning to use Vagrant, and I tried to boot a Vagrant machine (an ubuntu/trusty64 built in the …

vagrant virtualbox
configure the php.ini on vagrant homestead

I want to allow short_open_tags in php.ini I want to access to the php.ini on my …

vagrant homestead short-open-tags
Puppet : Specifying a version of a package to install

Apparently this is not possible, but I can't believe that I'm the only one who need it. I want to …

php packages puppet vagrant
How to pass parameter on 'vagrant up' and have it in the scope of Vagrantfile?

I'm looking for a way to pass parameter to Chef cookbook like: $ vagrant up some_parameter And then use some_…

ruby command-line vagrant parameter-passing