I have a table like this
table = {57,55,0,15,-25,139,130,-23,173,148,-24,136,158}
it is utf8 encoded byte array by php unpack function
how can I convert it to utf-8 string I can read in lua?
Lua doesn't provide a direct function for turning a table of utf-8 bytes in numeric form into a utf-8 string literal. But it's easy enough to write something for this with the help of string.char
function utf8_from(t)
local bytearr = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
local utf8byte = v < 0 and (0xff + v + 1) or v
table.insert(bytearr, string.char(utf8byte))
return table.concat(bytearr)
Note that none of lua's standard functions or provided string facilities are utf-8 aware. If you try to print
utf-8 encoded string returned from the above function you'll just see some funky symbols. If you need more extensive utf-8 support you'll want to check out some of the libraries mention from the lua wiki.