A `using` statement is a C# and VB.
Possible Duplicates: Using the using statment in c# What is the C# Using block and why should I use it? …
c# idisposable using using-statementPossible Duplicate: Does Dispose method still get called when Exception is thrown inside of Using statment? I've got a number …
c# asp.net .net exception-handling using-statementI am returning the variable I am creating in a using statement inside the using statement (sounds funny): public DataTable …
c# dispose idisposable using using-statementI inherited the following code: using (var dataAccessConnection = da.GetConnection()) //no opening curly brace here using (var command = new SqlCommand(…
c# ado.net using-statementI've ReSharper v9.0 installed on my VS. I also use StyleCop. I've disabled SA1200, so when I put the using …
namespaces resharper stylecop using-statementSuppose that I have the following code: private void UpdateDB(QuoteDataSet dataSet, Strint tableName) { using(SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(_connectionString)) { …
c# exception using using-statementC# lets me do the following (example from MSDN): using (Font font3 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f), font4 = new Font("Arial", 10.0…
c# using using-statementI was wondering if there was some sort of cheat sheet for which objects go well with the using statement... …
c# asp.net dispose idisposable using-statementI recently stopped using using-statements and instead use the full namespace path of any .net object that I call. Example: …
c# .net namespaces using-statement