Top "User-permissions" questions

For questions regarding the appropriate use, settings, and enforcement of user permissions, typically for the purpose of either providing access to shared resources or restricting access to private resources. Permission denied in Java

I am trying to create a file into the same folder in my project, but I am not able to …

java file permissions file-permissions user-permissions
I need an Amazon S3 user with full access to a single bucket

I have a user foo with the following privileges (it's not a member of any group): { "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1308813201865", "Action": "…

amazon-s3 amazon-web-services user-permissions amazon-iam
MySQL grant all privileges to database except one table

I've been unable to find a reasonable solution to achieve the following: I wish to have a user that has …

mysql privileges grant user-permissions
TF14098 Access Denied Branch in TFS 2013

I've got some developers who shouldn't get Admin access to a team collection or the project so they're not deleting …

visual-studio-2013 branching-and-merging user-permissions
How can one dry run a git push to check whether one has write permissions to a remote?

Is there a way to dry run a git push to know whether the user has permissions to actually create …

git user-permissions
How long should I wait after applying an AWS IAM policy before it is valid?

I'm adding and removing AWS IAM user policies programmatically, and I'm getting inconsistent results from the application of those policies. …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 policy user-permissions amazon-iam
HDFS Home Directory

I have setup a single node multi-user hadoop cluster. In my cluster, there is an admin user that is responsible …

hadoop cluster-computing hdfs user-permissions
cannot drop the view 'XXX' because it does not exist or you do not have permission

We migrated our servers from 2005 to 2014, User is able to delete it in the 2005 server But in 2014 we are getting …

sql-server sql-server-2005 sql-server-2014 user-permissions
AngularJs and Angular-UI-Router routes permissions

I'm facing an issue on how to implement route restrictions based on remote data gotten from the server. Suppose I …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router user-permissions
Kubernetes, security context, fsGroup field and default user's group ID running the container

I'm new to Kubernetes and I'm trying to understand some security stuff. My question is about the Group ID (= gid) …

kubernetes file-permissions user-permissions userid security-context