POS UI design & development: what should be included & avoided?

Forer picture Forer · Jul 10, 2009 · Viewed 21.1k times · Source

I'm having to design & develop UI for a Point of Sale (POS) system. There are obvious features that need to be included, like product selection & quantity, payment method, tender amount, user login (as many users will use one terminal), etc.

My question is related more towards the UI design aspect of developing this system. How should UI features/controls be positioned, sized? Is there a preferred layout? Are their colours I should be avoiding?

If you know of any resources to guide me, that would also help.

The reason this is critical to me as I am aware of the pressurized environment in which POS systems are used & I want to make the process as (i) quick, (ii) simple to use and (iii) result driven as possible for the user to service customers.

All answers, info & suggestions welcome. Thanks.

P.s. If you could mention the "playoff" between controls that would also be appreciated (i.e. if touch screen a keypad control is provided, but if also supporting keyboard & mouse input how do you manage the keypad & UI space effectively?)


devstuff picture devstuff · Jul 10, 2009

A couple of thoughts from a couple of projects I've worked with:

  • For the touch screen ensure that each button can be pressed by someone with "fat fingers" as easily as smaller ones (some layouts encourage the use of thumbs at particular locations). Also highlight each button when it is pressed (with a slow-ish fade if you have spare CPU cycles).

  • Bigger grids are better than smaller ones. The numeric pad should always be in the same place (often the bottom right). The Enter/Tender/etc. "transaction" keys should be bigger than the individual numeric keys - (1) make it more obvious where it is, (2) it will be pressed more often than other screen areas and will wear out (a bigger area will last longer on average; this was more important with older style touch screens; newer technology is more resilient).

  • Allow functions/SKUs to be reassigned to different grid positions; the layout that works well for one store will likely be wrong for a slightly different one.

  • Group related functions by colour, but use excellent contrasts. Make sure that the fore/back combination looks good at all angles (some LCDs "bleed" colours left-to-right and/or top-to-bottom angles).

  • Positive touch screen feedback with sounds needs to have configurable volume and sound sets. Muted tones might be better in an quieter upmarket store, but "perky" sounds are better in a clothing store with louder background music/noise, etc.

  • Allow the grid size to be specified in percentages or "grid-block units" instead of pixels and draw everything with vectors, etc. since some hardware combinations may have LCDs with better resolution. (One system I worked on was originally specified as 640x480 but shipped at 1280x1024, so my design pre-planning saved a lot of rework later.)

And of course look at the ready-made solutions first (especially if you can get demo software/hardware for evaluation). Although they can be expensive they've often implemented a lot of things that'll you'll have to work through later, and may be cheaper in the long run, even after creating custom add-ons for your system.


Our UI supported a normal keyboard/mouse combo too (the touchable buttons were just standard button controls sized appropriately). If you pressed a number key it would trigger the same event as clicking the screen-pad button; other hotkeys were mapped to often used button commands (Enter, etc).

If run on a non-POS desktop (e.g. backoffice) the window could be resized too (the "POS desktop" maintained the same aspect ratio, adding dead space at the sides if needed). A standard top menu was available for additional administrative tasks, reporting, etc.

The design allowed everyone to build and test the UI before the associated hardware was finalized. And standard UI testing tools would work too.

Even More:

Our barcode scanners were serial/USB rather than keyboard-like, so each packet from the device raised a comms event. The selected "scanner type" driver class used the most secure formatting that the device could give us - some can supply prefix, suffix and/or checksum characters if programmed correctly - and then stripped this before handing the code up to the application.

The system made a "bzzzt" noise when the barcode couldn't be used (e.g. while cash drawer is open).

This design also avoided the need to set the keyboard focus to a specific entry area.

A tip: if the user is manually entering a barcode via the keypad, and hasn't completed it by pressing Enter, and then attempts to scan another barcode, it should beep instead, so the user can accept or cancel the pending item first.