User Input is data that the user inputs into the program.
In c, I can use newline delimeter ([^\n]) with scanf. Using which I can store the line. Similarly for cin, …
c++ user-input codeblocks ubuntu-11.04I am developing a simple web apps that allowed user to key in information using a form when I discovered …
php webforms user-inputWhat do you all think is the correct (read: most flexible, loosely coupled, most robust, etc.) way to make user …
php design-patterns user-input sanitizationSo I know about MySQL injection and always escape all my user input before putting it in my database. However …
php mysql escaping sql-injection user-inputprivate void NameVal_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { String text = NameVal.Text; } As soon as I enter the first letter …
winforms textbox user-input textchangedI'm creating a GUI (not using GUIDE) I'm looking for a convenient way for a user to enter some data. …
matlab user-interface user-input matlab-uitableThis is a wheel that's been re-invented again and again over the years. The Problem: The user needs to input …
user-interface language-agnostic user-inputThe character pictured above was tweeted a few months ago by Mikko Hyppönen, a computer security expert known for …
c# unicode user-input diacritics zalgoN,M=raw_input().split(' ') N=int(N,2) M=int(M,2) print N|M Code converts initial input …
python binary user-input bitwise-operators bitwise-or