Top "User-agent" questions

A user agent is a piece of software (a software agent) that acts on behalf of a user.

How to detect device name in Safari on iOS 13 while it doesn't show the correct user agent?

After Apple's iOS 13 release, I realized window.navigator.userAgent in Safari on iPad iOS 13 is same as on MacOS. Something …

javascript ios safari user-agent ios13
User Agent Switcher for Chrome

I'm looking for a User Agent Switcher for Chrome. Searching the Chrome Web Store does not come up with a …

testing google-chrome user-agent
Detect mobile devices with Django and Python 3

I am struggling to find an easy way to detect if the request comes from a mobile device in my …

django python-3.x user-agent mobile-website
SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when applying document.domain on both sites. How do I resolve this?

I have a page at an internal server, and another page at a different internal …

javascript cross-domain user-agent same-origin-policy domexception
What is the name of the Google PageSpeed User Agent?

This page indicates that it uses a custom user agent but it does not mention the name. I would like …

user-agent google-pagespeed
How to set a custom user agent in ruby

I've a task to test different user agents on a URL through automation. I'm using ruby to code, and I've …

ruby user-agent net-http
.NET lib for interpreting user agent strings

Are there and .NET libs out there that will interpret stored user agent strings and give you a nice strongly …

c# .net user-agent
What software is sending User-Agent "Test Certificate Info"?

Google is surprisingly mute on this issue. In my company's web software error logs, we're seeing multiple individuals with an …

Detect mobile browser (not just iPhone) in python view

I have a web application written in Django that has one specific page I'd like to implement a mobile version …

python django mobile user-agent
how to change user agent in selenium with .net

I want to test a web app written in .NET with different agents (iPhone, iPad, Android), I'm using NUnit for …

.net selenium webdriver selenium-webdriver user-agent