URLConnection is a class that enables Java code to access data available from various urls.
I am trying to get the results back from a Google query, in Java as follows: String urlquery = "https://www.…
java httpurlconnection urlconnection google-searchI have an Applet which is loading images over a http connection using URLConnection. I am setting setUseCaches(true) for …
java applet urlconnectionI am very new with Java. I am using following code for the calling REST API, its working fine in …
java proxy urlconnectionI'm currently developing a library for the bitbucket issues RESTful API. I made good progress and now I'm going to …
java http rest httpurlconnection urlconnectionURL url = new URL("http://www.example.com/comment"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); …
java urlconnectionI have a problem to understand the meaning of the connect() method in the URLConnection class. In the following code, …
java connect httpurlconnection urlconnectionI'm using the following code to open a http connection in java: URL url = new URL("http://stackoverflow.com"); HttpURLConnection …
java http networking httpurlconnection urlconnectionI'm developing an app using HTTPclient for datatransfer. Since HTTPClient is deprecated, I want to port the network part to …
java php android eclipse urlconnectionI'm using URL.openConnection() to download something from a server. The server says Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 But connection.…
java http content-type httpurlconnection urlconnectionI am trying to open an http connection to an url protected with the NTLM authentication scheme. This code has …
java authentication ntlm urlconnection