Shorten Joomla SEF URL Parent / Child / Sub Menu Items, Use only one alias without multiple parent alias

Will Chen picture Will Chen · Feb 5, 2013 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

Is there anyway to only show the menu item alias in the URL without its parent alias? I know I can create a hidden menu with all items in the root level but this will make the breadcrumb unusable.

For example:

I like it to be just

I have url rewrite/sef turned on using Joomla 2.5.




JoomlaSriLanka picture JoomlaSriLanka · Apr 2, 2013

There is a workaround.

Create a seperate menu and create menu item in that menu with required alias. Then on the menu you want the link in the first place, create a menu item of type menu Alias and select the seperate menu item as target. This way parent alias will no appear infront for any alias type menu items.