The URL-pattern element of servlet-mapping or filter-mapping associates a filter or servlet with a set of URLs.
This is my web.xml : <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet> <url-pattern>/*</…
jsf jakarta-ee url-pattern servlet-mappingI'm using wiremock to mock certain requests and their respective response, but I'm trying to add a regex. Unfortunately, this …
regex mocking url-pattern wiremockI need an equivalent of following express.js code in simple node.js that I can use in middleware. I …
node.js express url-patternI would like to achieve the following: /webapp-context/Page-1 -> Handled by my custom "ContentServlet" /webapp-context/Another-Page -> …
servlets web.xml zk url-patternI am trying to deploy a very simple & my first JSF application (following a really good tutorial by BalusC) …
jsf illegalargumentexception url-patternI'm developing a JSF 2 web application. For prestige purpouses I would like that every URL ends with .jsf extension. Now …
jsf jsf-2 url-pattern servlet-mappingwe know how to set url pattern for servlet but I am unable to set url pattern for html in …
java html servlets web.xml url-patternin the struts2 web.xml application i have filter and servlet web.xml ... <servlet> <servlet-name>SchServlet&…
struts2 web.xml servlet-filters url-pattern action-mappingI'd like to specify a Servlet URL pattern to match a URL that ends with a slash ("/") and only a …
java servlets web.xml url-patternI have read numerous examples though I seem to have an 'exact' copy of them, so I cannot figure out …
java jsf servlet-filters url-pattern