Top "Uptime" questions

uptime is a Unix command which tells how long the system has been running.

PHP server statistics script?

I'm not really sure where to put this question (it's not really webapps or superuser) but I'm sure something similar …

php statistics ram temperature uptime
OSX: programmatically get uptime?

Something similar to linux cat /proc/uptime which returns the uptime in seconds, and preferably not parsing uptime(1).

macos uptime
Getting the uptime of a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only

How do I determine the uptime on a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only? On Linux, I could simply cat /…

unix shell uptime sunos
/proc/uptime in Mac OS X

I need the EXACT same output as Linux's "cat /proc/uptime". For example, with /proc/uptime, you'd get 1884371.64 38646169.12 but with …

macos uptime