Top "Uppercase" questions

Uppercase characters are capital letters.

Assembly: lowercase to UPPERCASE

I need to transform "h4ppy c0d1ng" into "H4PPY C0D1NG". I am a beginner in …

assembly uppercase i386 toupper
How to convert all the lowercase letters to Uppercase letters in MIPS Assembly Language program

Excuse me, can someone help me on this? I need to convert all the lowercase letters such as this "Hello …

assembly mips uppercase lowercase mips32
Android sort sqlite query results ignoring case

just wondering if theres a way of sorting the results of a query ignoring case. Cause at the moment fields …

android sqlite sorting uppercase lowercase
Golang - ToUpper() on a single byte?

I have a []byte, b, and I want to select a single byte, b[pos] and change it too upper …

go byte uppercase lowercase
Why is capitalizing the first letter of a string so convoluted in Rust?

I'd like to capitalize the first letter of a &str. It's a simple problem and I hope for a …

string rust uppercase
Vim: how to make the text I've just typed uppercase?

Use case: I've just entered insert mode, and typed some text. Now I want to make it uppercase. It can …

vim uppercase
Space between lowercase and uppercase letters in a string in JavaScript

I want to add a space between a lowercase and uppercase in one string. For example: FruityLoops FirstRepeat Now I …

javascript uppercase lowercase
Permutate a String to upper and lower case

I have a string, "abc". How would a program look like (if possible, in Java) who permute the String? For …

java permutation uppercase lowercase
XSLT/XPath : No upper-case function in MSXML 4.0?

I try to use upper-case() in an XPATH, my parser is MSXML 4.0, and I get : upper-case is not a valid …

xslt xpath uppercase msxml4
How do I make text-transform:uppercase work properly with Greek?

The issue I came across has to do with the capitalization of Greek characters by the text-transform: uppercase property. In …

uppercase lang css