Top "Unset" questions

Removing the value associated with a variable or property from the current environment.

How to remove column from child collection

I have a collection in MongoDB called CrawlUser. It has a list called CrawlStatuses, which is a list of CrawlStatus …

mongodb unset
How to delete an exact element in a bash array?

I am trying to remove just the first appearance of any one keyword from a bash array. ARRAY=(foo bar …

arrays bash unset
How unset a lot of environment variables

Have any way to unset different variables using a one command? unset HTTP_PROXY unset HTTPS_PROXY unset FTP_PROXY …

linux unset
How can I unset a variable in C to allow usage of the same name with different datatype later on?

I want to use the same variable name with a different datatype in C program without casting. I really wanna …

c variables unset
How to unset global variables.

I have an id of a project and an id of a client that are sessions in php that are …

php jquery session-variables unset
PHP | Remove element from array with reordering?

How can I remove an element of an array, and reorder afterwards, without having an empty element in the array? &…

php arrays pointers return unset