Top "Unobtrusive-validation" questions

Unobtrusive Validation refers to a jQuery plugin created by Microsoft used in conjunction with the jQuery Validate plugin.

client side validation with dynamically added field

I am using jQuery's unobtrusive validation plugin in with ASP.NET MVC. Any fields that are rendered on the server …

jquery unobtrusive-validation
MVC Adding methods into jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js

I recently had a question on getting checkbox validation working on the client side within a MVC project. This question … unobtrusive-validation
Validating time-only input in MVC unobtrusive validation

I have two separate fields on the page: one for date and one for time. This is the model: [Required] [… validation unobtrusive-validation
jQuery Validation - form.valid() always returning true

I have a situation when I try to check if a form is valid, but form.valid() always returns true. …

jquery jquery-validate unobtrusive-validation
Disable validation for an element with jQuery Unobtrusive Validation

I am generating a list of elements on a page, and they all have validators attached to them. When I …

jquery unobtrusive-validation
How to setup MVC 5 unobtrusive validation correctly when appending the form from an AJAX call?

I have googeld about this issue and I have checked my web.config, bundleconfig and my layout which look like …

jquery unobtrusive-validation
.Net Mvc 3 Trigger (other than submit button) Unobtrusive Validation

What I would Like I would like to trigger client-side validation in my View with an event of my choice. … client-side-validation unobtrusive-validation
Understanding the $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.addBool() method

I'm trying to understand something. From this blogpost Bridging HTML and jQuery …

jquery jquery-validate custom-attributes unobtrusive-validation
Validating an e-mail address with unobtrusive javascript / MVC3 and DataAnnotations

jQuery Validation makes it simple to validate an email address: $("someForm").validate({ rules: { SomeField: { required: true, email: true, remote: { type: "…

c# data-annotations unobtrusive-javascript unobtrusive-validation