Top "Unobtrusive-javascript" questions

Unobtrusive JavaScript is a general approach to the use of JavaScript in web pages.

jQuery UI Dialog instead of alert() for Rails 3 data-confirm attribute

In Rails 3, passing a :confirm parameter to link_to will populate the data-confirm attribute of the link. This will induce …

javascript jquery ruby-on-rails unobtrusive-javascript
call multiple functions from single event with unobtrusive javascript

I have an input element <select id="test"></select> on change I want to call multiple …

javascript jquery unobtrusive-javascript
How to use mvc 3 jquery validate with a jquery dialog that does an ajax submit?

I am using mvc 3 jquery validate unobstructive javascript. I am trying to write all my validation on the …

jquery jquery-validate unobtrusive-javascript
How to tell Ajax.ActionLink OnSuccess callback which element initiated the ajax

I want my razor view to look something like this @Ajax.ActionLink("A", "Buy", new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "Post", OnSuccess = "updateLetter" }, …

jquery razor unobtrusive-javascript
Reloading partial in an rails app

I want to reload a partial every 3 seconds on a 'new'-view in my rails app. I have this in my …

javascript ruby-on-rails ajax partial unobtrusive-javascript
MVC 3 Ajax.ActionLink not working

I'm playing around with the some MvcMusicStore example based shop and having some problems with the MVC3 Ajax.ActionLink / Ajax.… unobtrusive-javascript actionlink
ASP.NET MVC Script bundle not rendered

I've included the following line in the BundleConfig.cs file: bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryajax").Include( "~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.… unobtrusive-javascript scriptbundle
Rewriting Html.BeginForm() in MVC 3.0 and keeping unobtrusive javascript

This is going to seem like a bit of a silly endeavor, but it's something I want to learn nonetheless. … html-helper unobtrusive-javascript html.beginform
jquery unobtrusive

I'm trying to include the unobtrusive.js to my mvc3 view, but when I do, I get a bunch of …

jquery unobtrusive-javascript