I have a simple script that I'm trying to get Monit to monitor. After some digging around I found this little nugget: start program = "su - myuser -c '/home/user/myscript.rb start' "
which I believe should work but looking at the log files it says:
[PDT Oct 30 02:47:17] info : 'simple_script' start: su
[PDT Oct 30 02:47:17] error : Error: Could not execute su
Likewise earlier attempts only seem to read the part preceding a space so:
start program = "/home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby /home/user/simple_script_daemon.rb stop"
results in…
[PDT Oct 30 03:09:49] info : 'simple_script' start: /home/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby
Which doesn't fail like the first example but still seems to only execute the part preceding the space.
This is my full statement:
check process simple_script
with pidfile /home/user/simple_script.rb.pid
start program = "su - user -c '/home/user/simple_script_daemon.rb start' "
stop program = "su - user -c '/home/user/simple_script_daemon.rb stop' "
group simple_script
If you've got an idea what might be going on I'd love to hear from you!
I guess you could try something like:
check process simple_script
with pidfile /home/user/simple_script.rb.pid
start program = "/home/user/simple_script_daemon.rb start" as uid user and gid user
stop program = "/home/user/simple_script_daemon.rb stop" as uid user and gid user
group simple_script
as stated in monit doc.